Jonathan just completed his Masters Program in Computer Science with a specialization in Large Language Models & AI at Cornell University.
Rafeeq Kassam-Jiwani is a Porte Mentor studying Political Science at Bowdoin. He has worked for the Aga Khan Foundation and is now a Business Development Intern at an AI start-up.
Every person is a leader of some position - but not everyone can explain why they are doing so.
Good grades are no longer a differentiator; they're the baseline requirement.
“I have a project idea. Where do I go from here?”
Jasmine is the co-founder of GoGivers - a student non-profit aimed to provide monthly care packages with seasonal necessities for those in need.
We’ll go over basic non-profit structure and how you can apply it to your youth organization.
How do you transform your solo project into a full team?
"I don't know what I am passionate about." The truth is, you don't need a passion to start.